Port of Bar organized a joint event on 21st December 2021 during which SuMo and EnerNETMob projects were presented. The event was an excellent opportunity to present benefits in terms of environmental impact, reduced traffic and increased efficiency of transport operations. In particular, the pilot action of the Port of Bar – procurement of a hybrid bus, was especially highlighted.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Executive Director Ilija Pješčić gave an introductory speech and welcomed all participants. The first presentation was made by representative of Permanent Secretariat Transport Community Mr. Kristijan Ležaić. Mr. Ležaić displayed a presentation of the Action plan for Waterborne Transport and Multimodality. The main topics covered during the presentation were content and timeframe of the Action Plan for a period of 2021-2025. A special attention was given to the fact that Europe has given its member countries an ambitious goal of cutting emissions by at least 55% by 2030. In terms of this goal, project SuMo complies to the set measures.
Rade Stanišić, on behalf of Port of Bar, has presented EU co-funded projects in Port of Bar that are currently and have been implemented. His colleagues from the International project management unit, Branka Petanović and Isidora Bulatović, have presented EnerNETMob and SuMo projects respectively. To remind, with the budget allocated for the SuMo, Port of Bar will purchase a hybrid bus for users in the free zone of the port and it has purchased a BEV and installed a fast charging station through EnerNETMob project.
The last presentation was presented by Mr. Miodrag Račeta, the Head of Department for European Territorial Cooperation from European Integration Office. He talked about cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes in which Montenegro participates, and programming of cross-border programmes for IPA III (2021-2027) in which future topics, covered also within the SuMo project, are related to environmental protection and its quality, transition to circular economy and cleaner energy.
The event was concluded with the announcement that Port of Bar plans to continue with promotion of the European values in terms of sustainable transport solutions and environmental protection through ongoing and future projects. It should be noted that these projects will focus on digitalization, reduction of gas emission in the port area, while simultaneously providing seamless mobility and intermodal services to passenger and freight transport. Representatives of: international organization - Transport Community Permanent Secretariat, public authorities - the Government of Montenegro - European Integration Office, Ministry of Capital Investment, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, as well as local administration – Municipality of Bar, participated to the meeting.