"Port of Bar” JSC hosted the event "Fishing Day in the Port" with the aim of inviting citizens and introducing them with the port area. In addition to recreational activities for fishing enthusiasts, this event, which was organized for the first time in the port, was an excellent opportunity to promote the hybrid bus that was purchased with funds financed by the European Union, namely the EU project SuMo (Interreg IPA CBC Programme Italy - Albania - Montenegro). Citizens aged 12 to 80 took part in the fishing competition, and a hybrid bus was used for transport of participants to the breakwater where the event was organized.
The company has taken a big step forward in further greening by purchasing the hybrid bus, and it will replace the use of hundreds of private cars for transport in the port area. Moreover, “Port of Bar" JSC is dedicated to protection measures related to reduction of greenhouse gases and the negative impact of other air pollutants on one hand, and increasing awareness and education of all citizens and visitors of the port about environmental protection on the other.
"Port of Bar" JSC is currently implementing the SuMo project (Sustainable Mobility in the Port Cities of the Southern Adriatic Area), under the auspices of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, with the total budget of €1,079,535.00, out of which the EU co-financing is €917,604.75 € (85%). The partners who participate in the project, besides "Port of Bar" JSC, are: Public Transport Company Brindisi S.p.A. (Italy), Municipality of Vlora (Albania) and Municipality of Termoli (Italy).
The photos of the event are available here.